Binding affinities analysis of ivermectin, nucleocapsid and ORF6 proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to human importins α isoforms: A computational approach
Elvio Gayozo, Laura Rojas, Julio Barrios
Biotecnia, doi:10.18633/biotecnia.v27.2485
Ivermectin has been shown in vitro that reduces SARS-CoV-2 replication in infected cells through interactions with importins α, however, the exact mechanism of action is still unknown. The objective of this study was to analyze binding affinities of ivermectin, SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) and ORF6 proteins, to isoforms of human importins α using molecular docking methods. Crystallized structures of importins α from Protein Data Bank (PDB) and AlphaFold Protein Structure Database were used, viral proteins were modeled using AlphaFold 2. Molecular docking simulations were performed between human importin α isoforms, ivermectin, N and ORF6 proteins, employing Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno, FTDock and pyDockRST algorithms. Obtained data evidenced that viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2 and ivermectin showed favorable binding affinities to ARM2-ARM4 domains (major binding site), sharing binding affinities to the same active residues. These results suggest that ivermectin shares the same active site on the α-importins as the SARS-CoV-2 N and ORF6 proteins, demonstrating a potential molecular target for research in the development of new antiviral drugs against COVID-19.
Resulting complexes between importins α isoforms and N protein (NLS pat4 and pat7) showed free binding energy values (∆G) ranging -10.0 to -6.3 kcal.mol -1 , where the NLS pat7 sequence demonstrated the most favorable energy value, specifically to importin α3 and importin α5 (Figure 3 .B, Supplementary Table S1 ). Active residues in complexes formed by N protein and isoforms of α1 subfamily were Phe138, Trp142, Asn146, Ser149, His177, Glu180, Trp184, Asn188, Asn228 in importin α1, and Arg95, Gln100, Glu107, Trp136, Ser143, Glu180, Asn182, Trp231, Glu256, Asp260, Glu266, Asp270, Trp273 in importin α8 , residues that interact with NLS pat4 sequences through hydrogen bonds, unconventional interactions between a polarized carbon atom and hydrogen atom, interactions between Pi orbitals and donors groups of hydrogen bonds. The formation of electrostatic attractions and hydrophobic interactions were also identified (Figure 3 .A,B, Supplementary Figure S2 , Supplementary Figure S3 , Supplementary Table S1 ). Residues Glu107, Trp142, Asn146, Ala176, Glu180, Trp184, Ala222, Tyr225, Trp231, Glu266, Asp270, Trp273 of importin α1, and residues Ser99, Glu101, Pro104, Trp136, Ser143, Arg217, Asp260, Trp263, Glu174, Trp178, Asn182, Trp221, Asn225 of importin α8, interact by hydrogen bonds, carbon hydrogen bonds, Pi interactions with hydrogen bonds donors, hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with the NLS pat7 sequences (Figure 4 .A,B, Supplementary Figure S2 , Supplementary..
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"primary": {
"URL": ""
"score": 1,
"short-title": [],
"source": "Crossref",
"subject": [],
"subtitle": [],
"title": "Binding affinities analysis of ivermectin, nucleocapsid and ORF6 proteins of SARS-CoV-2 to human importins α isoforms: A computational approach",
"type": "journal-article",
"volume": "27"