Self-prescribed Ivermectin use is associated with a lower rate of seroconversion in health care workers diagnosed with COVID, in a dose-dependent response
Célia Pedroso, Sara Vaz, Eduardo Martins Netto, Daniele Souza, Felice Deminco, Rafaela Mayoral, Eliana Menezes, Ana Patricia Amancio Da Cunha, Andres Moreira-Soto, Jan Felix Drexler, Carlos Brites
The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1016/j.bjid.2021.101603
Background: Over-the-counter use of ivermectin amongst other drugs as SARS-CoV-2 treatment has been increasingly common, despite the lack of evidence on its clinical efficacy. Objective: To evaluate the effect of ivermectin use on production of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in health care workers (HCW) diagnosed with COVID-19 and of Th1/Th2 cytokines by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the same cohort (PBMCs). Methods: This cross-sectional study evaluated seroconversion and neutralizing antibodies production in HCW at Complexo Hospitalar Universit ario Professor Edgard Santos (Salvador, Brazil), diagnosed with COVID-19 from May to July, 2020, as well as in vitro production of antibody against SARS-CoV-2 and Th1/Th2 cytokines. Analyses were performed between December 2020 and February 2021. Participants were stratified according to the use of ivermectin (≤ 1 dose vs. multiple doses) for treatment of COVID-19. Results: 45 HCW were included (62% women). Mean age was 39 years, and disease severity was similar across groups. Neutralizing antibodies were detected less frequently in multiple doses (70%) vs. ≤ 1 dose (97%) groups, p = 0.02). PBMCs of patients in multiple doses group also were less likely to produce antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 following in vitro stimulation with purified spike protein in comparison with patients in ≤ 1 dose group (p < 0.001). PBMCs production of Th1/Th2 cytokines levels was similar across groups. Abdominal pain (15% vs 46%, p = 0.04), diarrhea (21% vs. 55%, p = 0.05) and taste perversion (0% vs. 18%, p = 0.05) were more frequently reported by participants that used multiple doses of ivermectin. Conclusions: Although there was no evidence for differential disease severity upon ivermectin use for treatment of COVID-19 it was associated with more gastro-intestinal side-effects and impairment of anti-SARS-CoV2 antibodies production, in a dose dependent manner.
Amadori, De Rossi, Giaquinto, Faulkner-Valle, None
El-Tahtawy, Glue, Andrews, Mardekian, Amsden, None
Gallardo, Teiti, Rochaix, Macrocyclic lactones block 205 melanoma growth, metastases development and potentiate 206 activity of anti-BRAF V600 inhibitors, Clin Skin Cancer
Gonzalez De Castro, Clarke, Al-Lazikani, Workman, None
Guzzo, Safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of 225 escalating high doses of ivermectin in healthy adult subjects
Knirsch, The effect of azithromycin on ivermectin 229 pharmacokinetics − a population pharmacokinetic model
Rusconi, Santambrogio, Marco, Lack of in vitro 201 anti-gp160 antibody production is a correlate of 202 nonprogression among HIV type 1-infected individuals, AIDS
Tang, Hu, Wang, Ivermectin, a potential 213 anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug, Pharmacol
Tay, Fraser, Chan, Nuclear localization of 217 dengue virus (DENV) 1-4 non-structural protein 5; protection 218 against all 4 DENV serotypes by the inhibitor Ivermectin
Wagstaff, Sivakumaran, Heaton, Harrich, Jans, None
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