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Gout and the risk of COVID-19 diagnosis and death in the UK Biobank: a population-based study

Topless et al., The Lancet Rheumatology, doi:10.1016/S2665-9913(21)00401-X
Jan 2022  
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Mortality 23% Improvement Relative Risk Colchicine for COVID-19  Topless et al.  Prophylaxis Is prophylaxis with colchicine beneficial for COVID-19? Retrospective 341,398 patients in the United Kingdom Lower mortality with colchicine (not stat. sig., p=0.12) Topless et al., The Lancet Rheumatology, Jan 2022 Favorscolchicine Favorscontrol 0 0.5 1 1.5 2+
Colchicine for COVID-19
5th treatment shown to reduce risk in September 2020
*, now with p = 0.00000031 from 56 studies.
No treatment is 100% effective. Protocols combine treatments. * >10% efficacy, ≥3 studies.
4,800+ studies for 102 treatments.
UK Biobank retrospective showing a higher risk of COVID-19 cases and mortality for patients with gout. Among patients with gout, mortality risk was lower for those on colchicine, OR 1.06 [0.60-1.89], compared to those without colchicine, OR 1.38 [1.08-1.76].
Although the 23% lower mortality is not statistically significant, it is consistent with the significant 28% lower mortality [17‑37%] from meta analysis of the 43 mortality results to date.
risk of death, 23.2% lower, OR 0.77, p = 0.12, relative odds for patients with gout, model 2, RR approximated with OR.
Effect extraction follows pre-specified rules prioritizing more serious outcomes. Submit updates
Topless et al., 28 Jan 2022, retrospective, database analysis, United Kingdom, peer-reviewed, 6 authors, dosage not specified.
This PaperColchicineAll
Gout and the risk of COVID-19 diagnosis and death in the UK Biobank: a population-based study
Ruth K Topless, MD Angelo Gaffo, Lisa K Stamp, Philip C Robinson, Nicola Dalbeth, Prof Tony R Merriman
The Lancet Rheumatology, doi:10.1016/s2665-9913(21)00401-x
Background There is a paucity of data on outcomes for people with gout and COVID-19. We aimed to assess whether gout is a risk factor for diagnosis of COVID-19 and COVID-19-related death, and to test for sex-and drug-specific differences in risk. Methods We used data from the UK Biobank, which included 15 871 people with gout. We used multivariable-adjusted logistic regression in the following analyses using a case-control study design: to test for an association between gout and COVID-19 diagnosis in the entire UK Biobank cohort (n=459 837); to test for an association between gout and COVID-19-related death in people who were known to have died or survived with COVID-19 (n=15 772); to test for an association between gout and COVID-19-related death in the entire UK Biobank cohort (n=459 837); and to assess risk of COVID-19-related death in a subset of patients from the UK Biobank cohort with prescription data, stratified by prescription of urate-lowering therapy and colchicine (n=341 398). Models 1 and 2 were adjusted for age group, sex, ethnicity, Townsend deprivation index, BMI, and smoking status. Model 2 was also adjusted for diagnosis of 16 other diseases that are established comorbidities of gout or established risk factors for COVID-19-related death. Findings Gout was associated with diagnosis of COVID-19 (odds ratio [OR] 1•20, 95% CI 1•11-1•29) but not with risk of COVID-19-related death in the cohort of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (1•20, 0•96-1•51). In the entire cohort, gout was associated with COVID-19-related death (1•29, 1•06-1•56); women with gout had an increased risk of COVID-19-related death (1•98, 1•34-2•94), whereas men with gout did not (1•16, 0•93-1•45). We found no significant differences in the risk of COVID-19-related death according to prescription of urate-lowering therapy or colchicine. When patients with gout were stratified by vaccination status, the risk of diagnosis with COVID-19 was significant in the non-vaccinated group (1•21, 1•11-1•30) but not the vaccinated group (1•09, 0•65-1•85). Interpretation Gout is a risk factor for COVID-19-related death in the UK Biobank cohort, with an increased risk in women with gout, which was driven by risk factors independent of the metabolic comorbidities of gout.
Cadzow, Merriman, Dalbeth, Performance of gout definitions for genetic epidemiological studies: analysis of UK Biobank, Arthritis Res Ther
Chen, Lu, Gu, Serum uric acid concentrations and risk of adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19, Front Endocrinol
Chen-Xu, Yokose, Rai, Pillinger, Choi, Contemporary prevalence of gout and hyperuricemia in the United States and decadal trends: the national health and nutrition examination survey, 2007-2016, Arthritis Rheumatol
Choi, Ford, Li, Curhan, Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in patients with gout: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Arthritis Rheum
Curtis, Johnson, Anthony, American College of rheumatology guidance for COVID-19 vaccination in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: version 2, Arthritis Rheumatol
Dalbeth, Dowell, Gerard, Gout in Aotearoa New Zealand: the equity crisis continues in plain sight, N Z Med J
Dalbeth, Robinson, Patients with gout: an under-recognised group at high risk of COVID-19, Lancet Rheumatol
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Gianfrancesco, Robinson, Changing COVID-19 outcomes in patients with rheumatic disease-are we really getting better at this?, Lancet Rheumatol
Griffin, Covid-19: England comes into line with rest of UK on recording deaths, BMJ
Hooijberg, Boekel, Vogelzang, Patients with rheumatic diseases adhere to COVID-19 isolation measures more strictly than the general population, Lancet Rheumatol
Hu, Guo, Lin, Association of serum uric acid levels with COVID-19 severity, BMC Endocr Disord
Jorge, Silva, Cohen, Temporal trends in severe COVID-19 outcomes in patients with rheumatic disease: a cohort study, Lancet Rheumatol
Mahil, Yates, Langan, Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey, Br J Dermatol
Putman, Kennedy, Sirotich, COVID-19 vaccine perceptions and uptake in people with rheumatic disease: results from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance Vaccine Survey, Lancet Rheumatol
Serling-Boyd, Silva, Hsu, Coronavirus disease 2019 outcomes among patients with rheumatic diseases 6 months into the pandemic, Ann Rheum Dis
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Vargas-Santos, Neogi, Da Rocha Castelar-Pinheiro, Mc, Turkiewicz, Cause-specific mortality in gout: novel findings of elevated risk of non-cardiovascular-related deaths, Arthritis Rheumatol
Williamson, Walker, Bhaskaran, Factors associated with COVID-19-related death using OpenSAFELY, Nature
Zheng, Liu, Wei, Laboratory predictors of COVID-19 mortality: a retrospective analysis from Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, Mediators Inflamm
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