Ivermectin as Prophylaxis Against COVID-19 Retrospective Cases Evaluation
Hector E Carvallo, Roberto R Hirsch
The current SARS COV2 (COVID 19) pandemic has generated a high number of infections among Health Agents. Around 25% of them have had to leave -temporarily or permanently -their jobs, due to having contracted the disease.
Likewise, numerous deaths have been lamented within this group, which acts as the first defense against this and other pathologies that threaten the individual. All this has happened despite Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs), which makes it essential to optimize -from the pharmacological point of view-these elements, in order to reduce the risk of contagion as much as possible. In this sense, Ivermectin has shown its usefulness against SARS COV2, both in treatment and in prophylaxis. Therefore, this work compiles the characteristics of the group of Health Agents (and their close contacts) from a Buenos Aires Hospital specialized in Infectious Diseases, who resorted to it, as well as the results that were obtained.
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