Ivermectin IN Long-Covid Patients: A Retrospective Study
Delfranco Haroldo, Hirsch Roberto, Carvallo Hector
Journal of Biomedical Research and Clinical Investigation, doi:10.31546/2633-8653.1008
Long COVID convalescence has become a major issue in COVID infection. The variety and magnitude of sequelae has, so far, baffled scientific community, and no measure has proved to be both useful and reliable in diminishing and/or shortening it. We are summarising the outcomes in 856 patients previously admitted at a Public Hospital in the Province of Buenos Aires, due to moderate/severe COVID infection, who surmounted the infection and could be released later on. We selected those whose symptoms, and mainly, the duration of them-could be attributed to long convalescence (long haulers). In them, a simple post-COVID treatment with ivermectin (IVM) was applied, thus provoking a faster reduction of manifestations.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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